the house of books, mitcham

The House of Books - the name pretty much tells you all you need to know! It is a house that is filled to the brim with books. This beautiful little cottage found on Whitehorse Road, Mitcham, is the home to hundreds … possibly thousands … of great quality, second hand books. Each room is lined with pre loved novels, picture story books, biographies and reference texts.

You’ll find shelves upon shelves of romance, crime, fantasy and thrillers. Our favourite room - looks like it was a bedroom at some point - is the kid’s room. Here is were we find the picture story books, the young readers novels and some interesting information books. This isn’t the largest collection that can be found in this house, but when some books are only 50c or $1 a pop, we always leave with about a dozen!

Mamma’s special mention: Do you need coffee? Head to Collectors Coffeehouse. Need a play? fly over to Halliday Park.

the nitty gritty

Monday - Friday : 10am - 4pm
Saturday : 10am - 1pm

508 Whitehorse Road Mitcham

wanna know more? click here