croydon cinemas, croydon

The cinemas are now closed

We thought it was about time that we introduced the kids to the one and only Croydon Cinemas! The location where Mamma made many childhood memories and saw such classics as Titanic, 10 Things I Hate About You and even the remastered releases of the Star Wars films back in the 90s. The cinema is JUST like we remember it too. Intimate rooms, red seats and the smell of popcorn in the air. There are 4 cinemas here and big screens are not your jumbo-tron style billboards BUT are perfect for catching a family film. At $9 tickets per person, you can’t really go wrong!

Mamma's Special mentions: After you have watched the movie, get those bodies moving at the park. X & Y Space (the park next to the ovals over the road) is a family favourite!

the nitty gritty

Level 1, 3-5 Hewish Road

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