choo choo, belgrave

When we think of Belgrave - we think of trains. Which makes the name Choo Choo SO perfect for this exceptional bubble tea shop …. in BELGRAVE. This beautiful treasure is what thirsty dreams are made of. The menu consists of a wide array of combinations of cold brewed teas, mixed with either refreshing and POPPING fruit flavours or creamy smooth milky delights of your classic bubble tea style.

The possibilities of combinations are pretty much endless, but, if in doubt, pick from the pictures on the TV - they are bound to hit the spot. We love the peach AND the green apple. But if tea ain’t your thing, there is coffee, smoothies, kombucha (on tap thank you very much!) and even toasties if you are hungry!

Now you might have to dig a little bit to find this place, it is tucked up in the arcade, but when you do, you will be sure to be back. It’s one part delicious and 5 parts beautiful up in here!

Mamma special mention: You could make this a full train day with a ride on Puffing Billy next OR go on a nature adventure down at Birdsland.

the nitty gritty
Wednesday - Sunday
10am - 6pm


wanna know more? Click here

1647 Burwood Highway, Belgrave
(located inside the Belgrave Arcade)