little galahs, mitcham

Mamma Tess and her boys love Bush Playgroup! There is nothing better than the great outdoors and the adventures are endless with this playgroup. There are different themes each week, as well as plenty of flexibility and freedom to move at your own pace an explore as far and as wide as you like.

After a few good morning introductions and learning some fun facts about the group and the days theme (last time we learnt about bats) you wander through Yarran Dheran Nature Reserve with your wicker basket, collecting some natural treasures along the way to use for some artwork at the end.

Enjoy some risky play on the big rocks, search for ducks, frogs and fish in the ponds before stopping for morning tea and some books.

The sessions end with some themed bush artwork and some sensory play- Mammka’s 2 year old loved saving bugs from the spiders webs and her 3 year old loved finding hidden snakes and frogs in the slimey (jelly) pond.

the nitty gritty

9.30am-11.00am Tuesdays

Term bookings and casual bookings available

Yarran Dheran Nature Reserve, Mitcham

Wanna know more?

click here

Mamma’s special mention:
Mylk Bar is the perfect spot for lunch after all your exploring