wilson reserve playground, ivanhoe

Ok - there is something super cool about a super slider. This CLASSIC style of mega slides are hard to find these days, which is why when you find one, the kids are bound fall in love! I mean, it is so simple.

A curved and shiny slide, that can only be reached after scaling a bunch of never ending stairs. It is tucked under a great canopy of natural shade, but is a great idea to pack a towel to slide with in case it is warm and to stop your shoes from sticking.

Oh, and there is a playground here too. Your standard kind of equipment - slide, monkey bars, swings. But Mamma will bet that your crew will run right past it!

Mamma’s special mention: This treasure is part of a larger reserve that runs alongside the Yarra River and has a great loop through the wetlands. Flat enough for bikes and short enough for a family walk. For more info - click here.

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the nitty gritty

picnic tables - some shade - no toilets - walking trails nearby - off street parking

Carpark opposite 70 The Blvd, Ivanhoe East