summerhill park, glen iris

Kids that love the sand pit at kinder and going to LOVE this super charged sand zone. Summerhill Park has a completely fenced of sand pit complete with buckets, scoopers, conveyor belts and machinery that all help to create its own sand filled factory. There’s the favourite digger too - so pretty much guaranteed to fill everyone’s shoes!

Of course there isn’t JUST a sand pit here a number of climbing frames with slides and cafe ledges. a shop front for playing supermarket a basket swinger for flying on and plenty of rolly polly hills for running over. There is some wooden friends in the gardens and even a maze to explore. Adorable.

Mamma’s special mention: Need coffee? Mr Burton is walking distance away.

the nitty gritty

shade sail - street parking - fenced off sand pit - green space - drinking tap - close to train line - picnic tables - public toilet up on High Street Ashburton

46 Audrey Cres, Glen Iris