FREE water watchers from yarra valley water

The Water Watchers - Welly, Washy, Wavy and Wade (that’s the new guy!) - have arrived from a planet far, far way and are here to help you and your family remember to save water around the home. These fun friends slip onto your taps in the bathroom, kitchen or the laundry and are a visual prompt for the kids to use our precious water wisely.

Yarra Valley Water have a great short little video that explains the story behind these fun characters and give great practical advice to our little water users in this new educational program. Whether it is to keep their showers short, to turn off the tap when they are brushing their teeth OR to help play washing Tetris when helping to stack the dishwasher, the Water Watchers - and their online story - act as a permanent reminder of what will happen if water is wasted.

There are four different faces and they all have their little personality traits. We have Welly who is the squad leader and the kids have given him pride of place in the bath.

The Water Watchers made from 100% natural rubber and are biodegradable - so when you no longer need them on the tap, you can place them in your home compost (they love topsoil) and over time they will return to nature thanks to sunlight, humidity and fresh air.

To get your own watcher, jump onto the Yarra Valley Water website and order yours today. The program is free for all residents living within council areas serviced by Yarra Valley Water.

the nitty gritty

Mamma and Yarra Valley Water worked together in partnership to bring you this news.