urban climb, blackburn

Mamma and the crew HAVE to share their new favourite activity - ROCK CLIMBING! Urban Climb is a state of the art, indoor rock climbing facility that will blow you away.

We lost track of the number of walls here, but there are climbs to suit all abilities. You can stick to the simple ‘daisy’ walls right up to the mind boggling expert routes.

The set up requires pairs - one to climb and the other to belay below. Only kids 13 + can be the anchor at the base, but all ages are able to test their skills and challenge themselves in to the climbing heights above. It makes this family friendly activity a true bonding experience, but also makes the kids feel safe with their adults literally attached to them below. The crew take everyone through a safety demo and are on hand to assist on the climbing floor at all times.

Mamma’s pair take it in turns to tackle each section and it is amazing how quickly they gain confidence, pick up new strategies on which paths to take and when they finally click that if they “fall”… they are just hanging in the air, it’s like a new game and they are ready to beat the wall! It gives them a break and a little reset before they try and get to the top.

The feel good endorphins that follow after a session are real (as well as a sore neck from watching the kids climb over and over again) and there are no time limits for how long you can spend here (once your belayer has been trained and checked off that is)… and they may just beg you to come back. Which is the other factor that Mamma thinks is BRILLIANT and something we haven’t seen before and is included in your first visit experience - for the next two weeks, we are able to return as much as we like to have another go.

The centre also has an impressive bouldering section for the bigger kids (13+ only in this area), as well as yoga sessions, lead climber walls (that’s for the experts!) and even parties.

the nitty gritty

7 Days
Monday - Friday 10:00am - 10:00pm

Saturday - Sunday and Public Holidays
8:00am - 8:00pm

wanna know more? click here

5/15-33 Alfred Street, Blackburn

Mamma Knows East and Urban Climb have worked in paid partnership in order to share our experience.

Mamma’s special mention: Need some nearby refuelling? Try Miss Lucy!