little earthlings nature play, kilsyth

Mamma just loves watching her little ones play outdoors, even more so when there are activities all set up and ready to go!

Little Earthlings Nature Play offers a series of nature play on a private property in Kilsyth. There are nature crafts, sensory trays and space for lots of exploring. Caity (who runs the sessions) is just lovely and was so wonderful that Mamma’s 2.5 yr old just followed her around. Mamma and her boys attended a special Easter session that was full of fun and hot cross buns!

Mamma’s boys enjoyed making easter basket, bunny ears and crafts to take home as well as some pretend baking. The space is wonderful and just being outside in the fresh air is always great for both Mamma and her boys.

Caity is well aware of all the things Melbourne weather may bring and believes in turning any weather event into a fun learning opportunity. Little ones are encouraged to go at their own pace and explore and play as they wish.

the nitty gritty

The playgroup runs in 4 weekly sessions on Fridays 10am-11am

Pop up sessions will also pop up so keep an eye on the socials

Wanna know more?

click here

Mamma’s special mention:

Little Gallahs is another great outdoor playgroup in the East