circus preschool @ ruccis, bayswater north

We love a little circus action and circus preschool has Mamma’s name written all over it! RUCCIS Circus School is an eastie favourite, with their very own space in Bayswater North. They run all sorts of classes and workshops (even parties) in this fun factory and the preschool classes are designed just for our mini clowns!

Using all of the fun circus equipment - think hoola hoops, mini trampolines, trapeze, juggling balls and scarves - the children are guided through lots of hands-on (and feet-on for that matter) experiences, getting them to move their bodies, take some risks and try new things.

Parents get to help along with the moves and the coaches are there to support, encourage and cheer on the little performers as they move throughout the sessions. Book your spot for the casual classes online and get ready to tumble, roll and laugh!

Mamma's special mention: Classes are held in the RUCCIS Circus School site. Parking is limited right at the door, so may be a safer bet to find on the street. 

the nitty gritty

- 2-3 years: Mondays at 10am
- 3-5 years:
Mondays and Wednesdays at 11am

Casual classes

wanna know more and BOOK into a session? click here

RUCCIS Factory 5, 130-132 Bayfield Rd East, Bayswater North

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