laura court playground, bayswater north

We have a new one!!

Set along the Dandenong Trail, Laura Court Playground has just been upgraded and Mamma’s boys are very happy. It may be on the smaller side but it still boasts 2 slides, 2 swings, lots of rope climbing, pommel wiggle walk, monkey bars and more.

Mamma’s 2 year old had a bit of trouble climbing the structure up towards the slides and depending on whether your little one is a climber, it may be better suited for kiddies a bit older.

Mamma’s 3 year old loved practicing going over the pommel wiggle walk and climbing up the ropes. Mamma’s 2 year old loved getting dizzy on the spinner and flying high on the swings.

There is also of plenty of adventure to be hard along the creek trail, be sure to pack the bikes and scooters for some added fun.

the nitty gritty

bench seat - no toilets -no shade over playground- other areas shaded by trees

30 Toolimerin Ave, Bayswater North

Mamma’s Special Mention:

Jump on the bikes and head to Milki & Miller for well deserved feed