ninety nine pancakes, hawthorn

What is super fluffy, as sweet as can be and found in a super cute little shop that is top to toe in purple? Ninety Nine Pancakes of course!

This cute cafe serves the coolest pancakes, waffles, and Dutch Poffertjes in the east. The menu is absolutely delectable, and you can order either sweet or savoury dishes. On our first visit Mamma stuck with a savoury mushroom melt and the little guy went sweet with some berry bliss waffles. There is nothing over $12 on the menu either, making this treat visit nice on the hip pocket too!

Next visit we are absolutely going to smash some crapes and a a savoury one - a Galette Bretonne - fancy!

the nitty gritty 

9am - 10pm

642 Glenferrie Rd Hawthorn

wanna know more? CLICK HERE

Mamma's special mention

When in Hawthorn, you must check out the rocket ship park at Central Gardens (although currently … it is having a make over - watch this space for when it is back, ready for take off!)