yarra junction community playground, yarra junction

We can’t help ourselves. Whenever we spy a playground with a train, we gotta give it a test run. When it is a playground that is fully enclosed with a GATE, then we definitely have to stop for a play. The Yarra Junction Community Playground is a great mix of classic playground fun. Most of the structures are wooden and have a country town vibe with the corrugated tank-like structure. There are slides, bridges, sea-saws and classic flying foxes and monkey bars. On top of being a great playground, there is plenty of space for a picnic and some lovely little gardens too. Make this play space your rest spot while riding the Warby Trail into town.

Mamma’s special mentions: The Warby Trail is part of Mamma’s heart. Hours upon hours have been spent pushing prams, walking dogs and sharing good conversations on this track. The trail runs right beside the playground and the loos located here!

the nitty gritty

public toilets - good shade - fully fenced - picnic tables - skate park - Warburton Trail nearby - bbq - football oval - tennis courts - aquatic centre

Park Road, Yarra Junction (off Warburton Highway)

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